Quiet Luxury - Travel, Living & Fashion


The Power of a Story - Digital Storytelling

The Studio - Home & Art

With over 10 years of experience in digital storytelling, art direction and photography, Nicole Böhme provides expertise far beyond her own magazine and channels. Together with her partner she opens the Studio Home & Art, a creative hub for content creation. We want to share our knowledge in visual storytelling and offer our clients a high-quality service in style and creative consulting. We help you to create inspiring campaigns!

I believe in minimalism and appreciates quality over quantity.
 Nicole Böhme

Meine persönliche Auszeit bei CLARINS Skin Spa
In Cooperation with CLARINS Paris (2021)  #beauty

 Home & Art Magazine - ANY DI Munich BAG

From Backpack (Rucksack) to Handbag (2018)
In Cooperation with Tizian Tenzin Production 

Just relax Nicole... no need to get up from the sunbed...
#meinepost #werbefilm (2017)

I Love Rainy Days!
#tvspot @wullehus #fashion (2017)

Lifestyle TeleZüri  
Home & Art - Secret Tips for a successful Wardrobe Lifting
with Sandji Lila (Swiss and Brazilian Actress & Presenter)
#telezüri #fashion #lifestyle (2012)

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